
FEATURE: Good leadership begets good transformation-the case of Akatsi North District

DCE James Gunu, (left) PM and others
A competent and reliable leader is one who does not throw his hand in despair but is able to innovate and make judicious use of available resources to promote growth and development.

Leaving by the advice to think outside the box, the Chief Executive of the Akatsi North District, James Gunu is indeed thinking outside the box and has since introduced some blue prints that point out to his commitment to lifting the district to a new height. These innovative ideas are geared towards bringing the infant Akatsi North District at par with long established Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies in the country. To him, leading the District as its first Chief Executive cannot be business as usual but an opportunity to make a difference by bringing social and economic improvement to residents.

Since no MMDA in Ghana cannot be said to be without developmental challenges, the quest to meet the needs and aspirations of communities will remain a continuous one especially so when one can easily point out disparities in available natural resources among assemblies.

Speaking to, James Gunu said like any other new district, the problems of the Akatsi North District are enormous particular inadequate infrastructure that runs through all sectors of the district; talk of road infrastructure, the district has a long way to go. “This is the time to make judicious use of available resources to improve infrastructure to alleviate the sufferings of the people”. He opined that the rationale behind the creation of new districts will be eroded if much is not done to primarily transform the lives of the people.

In the view of Mr Gunu, one of the cardinal principles to a successful administration is the ability to rally the citizens along the course of development. His adoption of open-door model of governance is therefore not surprising at all. “Carrying the citizens along the path of development is very paramount to ensure their voice is included in decision making and ensures transparency; more so, it helps deepen grass root involvement in the local governance and decentralization process.

The introduction of a suggestion box, a concept to make it possible for anybody with concern and love for the district to make contributions towards accelerated development of the district is the perfect step in making real this laudable idea. This is complimented by regular town hall meetings that also provide opportunity for people to interact with core leaders of the district and have their questions answered. Contact numbers of core officers including the District Chief Executive, the District Coordinating Director, the Presiding Member, Assembly members and Heads of Departments of the district have also been published on public notices to facilitate access  to these key actors.  The initiatives have so far made significant contributions, the DCE said.

The good news is that every effort is being made to carry every sector along, from agriculture, health, security, social infrastructure, revenue generation and the likes.
Other initiatives are: 
•  Installation of fire extinguishers and smoke detectors at the district administration block, health centre, official residences of the DCE and DCD as well as some selected institutions.
• Training of contractors, suppliers and artisans on project management, monitoring and funding
• Town hall meeting to deepen grassroot participation in decision making.
• Assessment of substructures in the district to identify strength and weakness for necessary action.
•  Introduction of the Akatsi North District Fund
• Training of revenue collectors, which are complimented with mounting of revenue barriers at vantage points to improve revenue generation.
• Introduction of revenue task force
• Institution of district commercial farm and grasscutter rearing
• Affordable housing projects.
• District level public account forum.
• Creation of Album for Persons With Disabilities ( PWDs Album)
• Procurement of register for Unit Committees to undertake Birth &   Death registration.
The district has also seen a lot of development within a matter of one year some of which are:
1. Rehabilitation of old Ave Afiadenyigba health centre for MOFA  office.
2. Rehabilitation of 4 unit class room at Agormor.
3. Construction of ware house and revenue office at Ave Dakpa.
4. Construction of weighing shade and rehabilitation of CHIPS Compound at Avevi.
5. Construction of weighing shade and rehabilitation of CHIPS Compound at Ave Dzalele.
6. Repair of 20 No. broken down boreholes in communities within the district.
7. Construction of a district magistrate court at Ave Dakpa.
Apart from the above list of completed projects, there are about 40 more at various stages of completion.

It is just a matter of time and the intended transformation that the Assembly with the able leadership of James Gunu will be realized as visible signs have started emerging. The appreciation and gratitude expressed by the chiefs, assembly members and the citizenry are enough indications that the future looks bright for the district. “There is no looking back, we have to strive to achieve progress, where there are weaknesses, and we will correct them and move on. We cannot leave the destiny of this district in the hands of any other person”. The DCE stated.

The DCE also said he hopes the citizens especially those abroad will see reason to invest back home to augment the assembly’s desire to creating local economic development that would bring jobs and wealth for people particularly the youth in the area.

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