
What are you buying this season?

 As the yuletide draws closer, appetites also grow higher. And more as an obligation, people have to buy more to meet these demands for their families.

But with these new appetites competing with already existing demands on finances of families, the decision of how to meet all these obligations become a daunting task.

With meager budget to be shared, one is tempted to go in for cheaper products. And this is where the danger is.

Manufacturers and markers are on top of changing trends in the demands and are more than ready to cash in during the period to dispose off their goods especially old stocks to pave way for new ones.

Bearing in mind that, “it is better to break even than to lose”, most products that are close to their validity period (expired period) and in some cases already expired goods find their way into the market for unsuspecting clients to buy.

Multiple tricks are applied to achieve these targets including repackaging, drastic reduction in prices,
as well as wiping off dates on the products. 

The whole development is even frightening with consumable goods coming from the back drop of recent expose from the Ghana Standard Authority on the adulteration of palm oils in the market. Indeed one would have to be very careful with choice of purchase.

For ones, you need to do proper checks on things you buy particularly the expiring dates.

As much as possible do not also buy too many of goods that are very close to their expiry date for stocking because before you know it, they have expired in your custody. 

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