
Amancie Central DCE donates soccer equipment to Jacobu SH/T School

Mr. Emmanuel Dede Appiah, the District Chief Executive for the Amansie Central in the Ashanti Region has donated some sporting equipment to his alma mater, Jacubu Senior High Technical School.

Apostolic Church inaugurates welfare foundation

The Apostolic Church Ghana has inaugurated the Apostolic Relief and Welfare Foundation (ARWEF) to help make more meaningful contributions into the life of others.

The inauguration which was under the theme: “Share your food with the hungry and provide them with shelter”-Isaiah 58:7, was aimed among other things to provide financial, emotional and social support to widows, orphans, the needy in the church and the community as well as other vulnerable groups in society.

Jacobu Town gets modern ICT centre

Thanks to the intervention of Odotobri Rural Bank, Jacobu, the district capital for the Amansie Central District now has a community library.
Odotobri Rural Bank with its headquarters at Jacobu responded to the needs of the society as part of its corporate social responsibility in putting up the facility as away to boost education in the society.

New maternity ward ready for use

The District Chief Executive of the Bunkpurugu/Yunyoo District, Philip N. Laari has handed over the maternity ward at the new district hospital in Bunkpurugu to the district Health directorate of the area.

Odotobri Rural Bank donates library to Jacobu Community

A 40-seater capacity library constructed by Odotobri Rural Bank Limited has been handed over to the people of Jacobu in the Amansie Central District of the Ashanti region.