
Enforce rules on retail business to protect Ghanaian traders – Market Women

Market Women across the country have extend their appeal to government and relevant institutions to enforce rules and regulations governing retail businesses in the country.

They expressed concern that the invasion of non-Ghanaians into the retail sector as well as the rapid expansion of malls pose unfair competition to market women hence the need for strict control of who is allowed to engage in retail activities in the markets.

The women who made the appeal during the National Market Women Conference on the theme: Empowering women for Economic Prosperity” organized by the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP) also tabled before the Ministry the urgent need to liaise with the Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) to develop a programme of support to market women through the market associations including linking them to Financial institutions and deepening financial literacy. This they noted will ensure equitable distribution of credit facilities based on needs of the traders.

They also registered their displeasure about the way some officials particularly from the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), the Ghana Standards Authority and the Foods and Drugs Authority conduct themselves when engaging with the market women adding that their actions intimidate the women resulting in fear and panic rather than educate them; and want them to improve their interpersonal skills to serve the women better.

While they appreciate efforts at redeveloping existing markets and new ones to meet the growing needs for space, additions of modern and other basic facilities like sanitation and security services, the women want assemblies to work hand-in-hand with recognized market associations especially in the allocation of stores and stalls as well as other relevant matters to avoid giving spaces to only the highest bidder.
Crech/childcare facilities, health posts and transit accommodation also featured strongly on their request to give themthe needed convenient to go about their businesses.

Bearing in mind that achieving their requests is a shared responsibility, the traders also pledged to make themselves available for collaboration with assemblies to live up to the obligations and responsibilities as agreed upon.

They also assured of prompt dissemination of information to their members in a transparent manner to boost their deliberations, while also taking steps to build capacities of market associations to function as effective civil society entities ready to play critical roles in the economic and social development and governance of the localities.  

Dominic Shirimori/

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