
Kayayeis undergoing skill training to receive allowance, start-up capital

Smile and appreciation was the expressions that greeted the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Nana Oye Lithur and her entourage when she visited the two skills training centres in Accra where some Kayayeis are undergoing skills training to make them productive.                       

The Minister who was on a monitoring tour of the two centres at the Young Women Christian Association at Adabraka and the Assemblies of God Relief and Development Services Centre at Agbogbloshie was delighted at the enthusiasm exhibited by the beneficiaries and dedication to their new chosen carrier promised to do more for them.

The beneficiaries went into jubilant mood when the Minister announced that they would be paid some allowances to make life better for them while they undergo the training.

Nana Oye Lithur said the government of President Mahama is committed to helping the vulnerable and has initiated a number of social interventions of which the skills training is one of them to equip them to either get into self-employment or be gainfully employed by others who may need their skills.

She assured them that they would be provided with start-up capitals at the end of their training so they can start their own businesses.                       

The Chief Executive Officer of the Youth Employment Agency, Mr.  Kobina Ebu Beecham said the Youth Employment Agency is collaborating with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MOGCSP) to execute a directive by the President H.E John Mahama to equip interested kayayeis with employable skills.

According to him, the programme is ongoing in Accra and Kumasi with some 4500 kayayeis being registered. However, 413 of these are being trained in Accra under 13 modules including catering, dressmaking, ICT, leather works, masonry, shoemaking, electricals, auto-mechanic among others.

He also stated that under their laws, they are supposed to assist cooperative groups hence after completion, the beneficiaries would be encouraged to form such cooperatives in order to gets assistance to set up businesses.

More so, to ensure the trainees get practical experiences, they would be attached to firms to acquire the needed experience.

Mr. Beecham also added that the collaboration would continue with the MoGCSP to identify more beneficiaries adding that the next group for consideration are hawkers.

Dominic Shirimori/

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