
AKATSI N: Assembly on course to exceed IGF again-DCE

DCE James Gunu
The Akatsi North District Assembly looks forward to achieving yet another impressive performance in revenue mobilization this year far better than it did last year.

It is already looking glorious just half way through the year and if statistics are anything to go by, then the Assembly will for the second consecutive year be exceeding its revenue target by way of internally generated fund (IGF).

Speaking to at the Regional Budget Hearing of MMDAs in Ho on Wednesday, District Chief Executive for Akatsi North, James Gunu disclosed that as at June 30th, the assembly collected GHs67, 292.32 out of the targeted GHs88, 358.00 of its IGF representing 76.2%.

A critical analysis of performances in the revenue areas showed that for fees and finds, GHs34, 77.90 representing 70.7% was collected out of the GHs48, 228 target; GHs6, 630.00 representing 36.33% out of a target of GHs18,250 was collected under land; GHs4,464.42 representing 165.3% was realized out of a target of GHs2, 700.00; while  investment showed massive performance with GHs22,120.00 representing 340.3% of a target of GHs6,500.

Interestingly, property rate which formed part of the components was not collected because the assembly is still sensitizing the people before it commenced taking it by next year. The decision was because the assembly is new, “Property rate is alien to most of the people and to forestall any confrontation the assembly decided to hold on for now”, the DCE has stated.

Other areas of none performance included licenses and miscellaneous that scored zero. 

Compared to last year, when the assembly collected GHs96, 589.00 by December 31st exceeding its own target of GHs65, 415.00, Mr. Gunu was confident if they remain focused they can far exceed the target.

The DCE who attributed the good performance to prudent management practices and reinforced revenue mobilization strategies said despite the good work there is room for improvement and assured that everything would be whipped to line for the collective benefit of the people in the district. 

Mr. Gunu said the composite budget presented for next year is development oriented one that gives hope to the people and expressed optimism that the district would continue to do well to meet the needs and aspirations of the people.

He also praised the staff especially the revenue team for the hard work as well as assembly members for their contributions for the achievements; and urged them not to go to sleep on their roles and responsibilities that are so much needed to create a society of opportunities.

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