
TALENSI: Emergency LEAP to the aid of flood victims

The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP) is to commence disbursement of funds to flood/victims in the Talensi District of the Upper East Region under the Emergency Leap Programme.

Four hundred and Thirty-five (435) individuals suffered losses in September this year in the district when floods, and rainstorm submerged their farms and caused damage to their buildings as well thereby worsening their plights. 

Enforce rules on retail business to protect Ghanaian traders – Market Women

Market Women across the country have extend their appeal to government and relevant institutions to enforce rules and regulations governing retail businesses in the country.

They expressed concern that the invasion of non-Ghanaians into the retail sector as well as the rapid expansion of malls pose unfair competition to market women hence the need for strict control of who is allowed to engage in retail activities in the markets.

The women who made the appeal during the National Market Women Conference on the theme: Empowering women for Economic Prosperity” organized by the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP) also tabled before the Ministry the urgent need to liaise with the Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) to develop a programme of support to market women through the market associations including linking them to Financial institutions and deepening financial literacy. This they noted will ensure equitable distribution of credit facilities based on needs of the traders.


Kayayeis undergoing skill training to receive allowance, start-up capital

Smile and appreciation was the expressions that greeted the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Nana Oye Lithur and her entourage when she visited the two skills training centres in Accra where some Kayayeis are undergoing skills training to make them productive.                       

The Minister who was on a monitoring tour of the two centres at the Young Women Christian Association at Adabraka and the Assemblies of God Relief and Development Services Centre at Agbogbloshie was delighted at the enthusiasm exhibited by the beneficiaries and dedication to their new chosen carrier promised to do more for them.

NZEMA E: MCE, MP commission 6-unit block for Gwira Banso

 The Nzema East Municipal Assembly continue its resolve at addressing infrastructure challenges of schools in the municipality with the construction of new classroom blocks.

The latest community to have their new block provided for them is Gwira Banso where a six unit classroom block with ancillary facilities like headteachers’ office, staff room, ICT/library and sanitary facilities.

The Municipal Chief Executive for the Nzema East Municipality, Hon. James Atta Kakra Baidoe and the Member of Parliament for the Evalue Ajomor Gwira Constituency jointly commissioned the new project.

MASLOC to open offices at major markets

Government is to make credit accessibility from the Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) to market women easier with the creation of MASLOC offices in major market centres across the country.

The First Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama addressing participants at the maiden National Market Women conference on the theme: “Empowering Market Women for Economic Prosperity”, held at the forecourt of the State House in Accra stated that government is carrying out major expansion of the Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) to create hundreds of thousands of jobs, by continuing the implementation of its lending programmes, into other areas such as poultry and fish production.

She also disclosed that MASLOC intends to support over fifteen thousand (15,000) people in the small and medium scale enterprises sector, in addition to disbursing funds to over two hundred thousand (200, 000) people engaged in food-crop farming and food marketing.