
AKATSI N: Over 500 residents undergo free health screen/treatment

Over five hundred (500) residents from Agormor, Avevee, and Ave-Dakpa communities in the in the Akatsi North District in the Volta Region have received free medical screening and treatment. 

The screening was made possible through the kind courtesy of the district assembly and the Disaster Volunteers Organisation of Ghana (DIVOG). 

It brought a team of 10 medical students and 2 medical doctors from Tempo University Medical School, Philadelphia-USA led by Dr. Oakland Morgan.

This is the second time the team carried out similar exercise in the district, and this year was a follow up to observe and assess those treated last year for further attention if need be.

The Medical team visited Avevee CHPS Compound, Agormor and Ave-Dakpa Health Centres and treated people of various diseases with leading ones being high blood pressure, malaria, skin infections among others.

District Chief Executive James Gunu commended the group for their assistance in contributing to providing quality and accessible health care to the people. He appealed to the group to institutionalize the visit and make it at least 3 times a year since good health is directly linked to productivity.

He also suggested possible exchange programmes with health personnel in the district to upgrade their skills for the good of the people.

Mr Gunu advised health professionals in the country to take a cue from the team and accept posting to remote places in the country where their services are needed. 

He extended appreciation to the group of 7 volunteers with a doctor, Dr.- Alvin Wang, the  leader of the team which started it all last year.

Dr. Oakland Morgan also thanked the people for the warm reception throughout their stay and promised to consider the requests made by the DCE.

They were presented with Kente tires and scarf. 

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